Neck Pain
Have you been feeling a pain in your neck lately? You're not alone! Neck pain is a common complaint we hear from folks here in the beautiful Florida Keys. In fact, neck pain is the second most common reason people visit us at Seaside Chiropractic, right after back pain.
Do you spend a lot of time on your phone or tablet? We've all been there, scrolling through social media or answering emails. But did you know that for every inch you tilt your head forward, you're adding about 10 pounds of pressure to the base of your neck? Crazy, right? And most of us hold our heads about 3-4 inches forward when we're on our devices, which means we could be putting an extra 30-40 pounds of tension on our spines as we read this.
We think that the rise of technology use over the last few years is to blame for the increase in neck pain we're seeing in our Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier, and Upper Keys communities. But don't worry - our team of sports chiropractors is here to help you find relief from your neck pain and get back to feeling your best.
Patients who visit our Key Largo Chiropractic Clinic for neck pain usually complain of one or more of the following:
A “pinched nerve” in the neck
Pain or stiffness at the base of the neck
Numbness and tingling in the arm
Trouble turning their head
Swelling in the neck
Here are some common contributors to neck pain:
“Tech-Neck” or “Text Neck”
Desk jobs
Driving for long periods of time
Too much sitting
Poor posture
Car accidents (whiplash)
Sports injuries
Our Approach to Neck Pain Relief
We take neck pain seriously.
After a thorough health history and consultation, you will undergo a detailed examination that helps us determine what exactly is causing your neck pain.
During the exam, one of our Certified Sports Chiropractic team members will perform a range of motion examination, a neurologic examination, an orthopedic examination, and a complete spinal examination.
Is your neck pain coming from a disc, a muscle, or a joint? These are the questions that our comprehensive examination process will help us answer.
Once we have determined the root cause of your neck pain and that you are a good candidate to receive chiropractic care, we will then assemble an individualized care plan that is designed to not only eliminate the pain and symptoms that you are presenting with but to also treat the root cause of your neck pain.
Individualized Chiropractic Care Plans
Our individualized care plans usually consist of a combination of the following:
Consistent Chiropractic Care
Passive Therapies (Electric Muscle Stim, Mechanical Traction, Therapeutic Ultrasound, etc.)
Active Therapies (Muscle work, cupping, neuromuscular training, etc.)
Homecare recommendations
In-office & at-home exercises
Why Should I See a Chiropractor For Neck Pain?
Mechanical problems need mechanical solutions. Your neck consists of seven vertebrae, each of those vertebrae bestow at least 3 different joints (21+ joints in your neck in total!)
Joints are designed to move, and like anything in the body, when joints stop doing what they are designed to do they become a problem.
When one of these joints becomes restricted, it can alter the biomechanics of the spine and lead to things like inflammation, nerve irritation, or worst of all disc injury.
As chiropractors, our job is to gently restore proper motion to all joints of the spine, including the neck. This allows the body to function the way it is designed to function, leading to a decrease in pain and discomfort.
When Should I See a Chiropractor for My Neck Pain?
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms we recommend that you hop on our schedule:
Neck Stiffness lasting more than 2 days
The need to constantly “crack” your neck
Numbness & tingling into your arms
If you’ve been in a car accident
Pain when coughing or sneezing
Neck pain after a car accident
Related Neck Pain Resources
What People Are Saying About Seaside Chiropractic
You Don’t Have to Live with Neck Pain
Schedule an appointment with one of our Seaside Chiropractic team members today.