At Seaside Chiropractic, we see firsthand how holistic, safe approaches to body balance are achievable. When a body is aligned and balanced, it functions at its peak and allows for proper movement and support.
Our chiropractic office sees hundreds of patients with hundreds of problems, from professional baseball players to professional parents to professional gamers. No matter your level of physical ability and activity, your body is susceptible to risk.
We use our muscles constantly, even as we sleep. Have you ever woken up and had a new pain in your neck? Coughed and had a new pain in your back? Hiked and had a new pain in your hip? Meeting with a New Jersey chiropractor is a great way to get that pain under control at its root, naturally. Dr. Jesse is trained to find the cause of your pain, not mask it.
We use two measures to verify pain relief: severity and frequency. If one or both dissipates, you have yourself a treatment plan that’s benefiting the body. We won’t hide your pain by asking you to use harmful prescription medication, and we’ll work exhaustively to rid any need for surgery.
Keeping our patients’ comfort level in mind, we will create a smart, efficient wellness plan with your individual health goals at the core. We hope to keep you confident in your plan’s success and invite open communication throughout your wellness journey. Our goal matches yours: getting you a pain-free, balanced, fully-functioning body.
The Most Common Conditions Treated at our Key Largo Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractic care for back pain and low back pain
Chiropractors and back pain go together like a hand in a glove. By far, the most common conditions we treat are back-related. Our spine supports almost every move we make, so when it’s out of alignment, the whole body can pay the price. And if not adequately treated, it will. Dr. Jesse has several useful, safe techniques that nurture balance and provide relief from your pain. Oftentimes, pain is immediately deterred.
Chiropractic care for neck pain
So many technological devices, so many necks suffering. Whether it's handheld, laptop, desktop, TV- your devices are most likely causing some damage to more than your socialization skills. Using these items regularly and ignoring proper posture is very common.
Text neck, Zoom neck, using-my-bed-as-my-office neck, all of these modern modes of communication are forcing our necks into unconventional, unsafe muscle-overuse patterns, allowing for poor posture and an unbalanced body.
Dr. Jesse can find the cause of your neck pain, fix it, and teach you how to best support your neck muscles while working and communicating in our current environment.
Chiropractic care for headaches
For those who suffer from headaches, you understand how debilitating they can be. Sometimes even the dull threat of a severe headache can take control of your day. If you suffer from migraines, tension headaches, chronic headaches, or any kind in between, we’d like to help.
Our New Jersey chiropractic office has worked with many patients afflicted with headaches.
Usually occurring due to the first two cervical segments’ improper function, we use myofascial release to reduce the tension that’s often the cause. It’s essential to find the cause to manage the pain correctly.
Chiropractic care for shoulder pain
Without the full range of the shoulder’s motion, many everyday, necessary activities are not only inconvenienced but painful. Sharp pain, radiating pain, and chronic pain are all typical results of ligament, muscle, or joint issues in the shoulder. Dr. Jesse can determine the cause and treat it with natural and effective techniques, providing you with take-home exercises and stretches that will benefit pain relief and detail proper use to avoid future problems.
Chiropractic care for those working from home
With so many of us newly working from home, we have seen many patients dealing with various problems that stem from new, often unrealistic, working spaces. Lumbar issues, neck pain, and shoulder strain are all part of this phenomenon.
Not only can we treat these issues successfully, but we will happily provide you with practices to support your body correctly.
Tell us about your workspace, and we’ll do our best to offer advice on how to minimize your body’s risk through proper posture, computer use, seating, and more.
Chiropractic care for golfer’s elbow
We’re proud to support so many in our community who are athletes and avid workout enthusiasts. Some play golf; some don’t; however, many have golfer’s elbow. This painful ailment happens due to repetitive, improper use.
The elbow may feel stiff with mild pain when not in use, or it may feel restricted with loss of range of motion and shooting pain at all times. Visiting your local chiropractor is a good place to start getting the pain relief you need to continue your physical activity.
Chiropractic care for herniated discs
Herniated discs can cause significant pain if they go untreated. The discs that make up our spinal cord have a soft center; sometimes, that center pushes out of its barrier, which can be very uncomfortable.
Luckily, this problem can be safely and organically treated with the help of a chiropractor. Your chiropractor will return the disc to its natural state and alleviate the pain it was generating without the need for surgery.
Chiropractic care for knee pain
Having our fair share of sportspeople as patients, we see knee pain in our office almost daily. Knee injuries are not only painful, but often, to move, the body needs to capitalize on those other muscles, tendons, and joints that are working correctly.
This invites an array of different pain points because the wrong body parts are supporting more than is expected of them, and more than they are designed to. Overcompensation can lead to further pain in new areas. Our Key Largo chiropractic team will mitigate the pain at the root of the problem before it becomes a more severe issue.
Chiropractic care for sciatica
The sciatic nerve is crucial to your body. It’s the largest nerve, starting at your lower back, running through your buttocks, and down each leg. If that nerve is impaired, it can get really painful really fast, and the entire lower half of your body will find itself in disarray. We offer techniques that will treat the nerve and reduce the pain, restoring comfort and proper mobility.
Chiropractic care for sports injuries
With a variety of athletes working at various ability levels, our office is known to work to rehabilitate, ease pain, proactively support physical goals, ensure safety during athletic events, and help maintain focus.
All of this allows the body to work at its best and generate overall well-being. The goal is to contribute to a well-working, high-functioning body, mind, and spirit. Let us help you not only meet but surpass your athletic goals.
Chiropractic care for pregnancy
Often, pregnant women feel the strains on the body through discomfort in the back, hips, and joints. Chiropractic care can diminish that pain while offering stretches and exercises that will safely support the mother and baby.
Having a balanced body should always be a priority. However, this is especially the case when creating another body. Our care will offer both comfort and peace of mind, decreasing stress and adding natural relaxation.
Chiropractic care for children
We love working with our pediatric patients of all ages. Those little tumbles when learning to walk, the pre-K soccer team, falling out of bed, wrestling with the older sister, all of these are expected and precursors to a healthy life.
However, they can take a toll on that little body. Your kids will feel safe and secure in our specially designated space just for them. We will communicate at their level, so they understand what we’re doing to help their body support them better. Dr. Jesse encourages their questions and comments and will do whatever it takes to make sure both parents and children feel comfortable and respected.
Other Conditions We Treat Include:
Rotator cuff syndrome
Jumper's knee
Spinal stenosis
Plantar fasciitis
Regional pain syndrome
Lateral / medial epicondylitis
Piriformis syndrome
Degenerative disc disease
Failed back surgery
Adhesive capsulitis
Impingement syndrome
Temporomandibular disorder
Soft-tissue adhesions
Iliotibial band syndrome
And more
Tennis elbow
Pinched nerves
Sprains and strains
Extremities pain- arm, hand, ankle, etc.
Jaw pain
Disc injuries
Mobility problems
Balance problems
Joint pain
Shin splints
Overuse injuries
Muscle spasms
Difficulty walking
Hip pain
Degenerative joint disease
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Post-surgical back pain
Disc bulge
Frozen shoulder
Who We Treat at Seaside Chiropractic
Always nurturing and reinforcing a holistic approach to health and wellness gives us great pleasure. We are honored to help so many New Jersey families find a pain-free life safely and effectively. Dr. Jesse is an advisor as well as a doctor, our team genuinely believes in non-invasive measures for a balanced body, and we educate each patient on how to make the most of their lifestyle.
Our clients visit us at all stages of life, in every size, every shape, and every ability:
Prenatal patients
Postnatal patients
Pediatric patients
Athletic patients
Geriatric patients
Overuse patients (from those who sit at a desk all day to those who are professional dart-throwers)
Inactive patients
Rehabilitation patients
Newly working-from-home patients
And more
If you’re in pain, you don’t have to be. Don’t let your pain start to take control. See our New Jersey chiropractic care team. We can help you properly and naturally manage your discomfort as we find a remedy to its cause that makes you comfortable.
Chiropractic Services
in Key Largo
With many patients come many chiropractic techniques.
Dr. Jesse uses a selection of services that will lead to a pain-free life, body balance, and full functionality, and provide a solution-based wellness plan.
We hope to find you the most efficient program possible, often combining services, stretches, and exercises to support strength and overall health.
Our most common chiropractic services
Diversified Technique: a manual adjustment created by providing quick and controlled pressure to the patient’s spinal joint; this is a high velocity, low amplitude technique
Cox Flexion-Distraction: With this service, a specialized table is used to enforce flexion in the spine
Thompson Technique: this solution uses little force due to the use of a drop-table built to slightly move with the patient's body as pressure is applied
Manual therapy: these are special techniques done by hand that work to increase range of motion, improve tissue flexibility, induce relaxation, regulate pain, reduce soft tissue swelling, among other things
Cupping: a technique that increases blood circulation and offers pain management
Your Healthy, Balanced, Pain-Free Body Awaits
If you’re looking for an organic, non-intrusive way to get your body at ease, free from pain, and working as it should and at its peak, contact us. We will find the root of your problem and help you make safe, smart, proper decisions when it comes to supporting your body’s needs. We hope to keep you away from destructive prescriptions and risky surgeries, both of which cause their own set of problems. Let us help you get your life back, naturally.
What People Are Saying About Seaside Chiropractic
“When I visited Dr. Suess of Waldwick Family Chiropractic my lower back was in so much pain I had trouble putting my shoes on. In just one visit, he had me feeling back to normal.”
“After having my baby, I had chronic back pain. Dr Suess was able to help me identify my pain in both my back and neck, and I am finally feeling relief after almost a year and a half!”
You Don’t Have to Live with Pain
Schedule an appointment with one of our Seaside Chiropractic wellness team members today.